BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CISA - Community Involved In Sustaining Agriculture - ECPv6.2.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:CISA - Community Involved In Sustaining Agriculture X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for CISA - Community Involved In Sustaining Agriculture REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20230312T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20231105T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231205T193000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231205T210000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20231127T184618Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231127T184618Z SUMMARY:Fantastic Fungi movie screening and panel discussion DESCRIPTION:Photo from Fantastic Fungi website \n\nJoin CISA for a movie screening and panel discussion of Fantastic Fungi! \n\n\nTuesday\, December 5th at 7:30pm \n\n\n\n\n\nBuy tickets here!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented in partnership with Amherst Cinema. \nFeaturing a post-screening panel discussion with: \n\nJulia Coffey\, Mycoterra Farm\nHunter Linscott\, Livingstone Mycology\nPaul Lagrèze\, New England Wild Edibles\nModerator: Claire Morenon\, CISA\n\n\nFANTASTIC FUNGI is a vivid journey into the mysterious subterranean world of mycelium and its fruit—the mushroom. A story that begins 3.5 billion years ago\, fungi makes the soil that supports life\, connecting vast systems of roots from plants and trees all over the planet. \nThrough the eyes of renowned scientists and mycologists like Paul Stamets\, best-selling authors Michael Pollan\, Eugenia Bone\, Andrew Weil\, and others\, we experience the power\, beauty\, and complexity of the fungi kingdom. \nNarrated by Brie Larson\, the 2019 film is an astonishing blueprint for how the mycelium network connects all humanity and the natural world\, offering solutions to some of our most pressing medical\, therapeutic\, and environmental challenges. URL: LOCATION:Amherst Cinema\, 28 Amity Street\, Amherst CATEGORIES:Climate Events,CISA Events,Community Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231202T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231202T120000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20231115T155503Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231116T162911Z SUMMARY:Making Food Fun with Quabbin Harvest DESCRIPTION:Making Food Fun comes to the Quabbin region! \nCISA and Quabbin Harvest team up with local farms to celebrate the late harvest season in Orange. The morning will be full of ways to experience local food and local farms\, within a fun\, community setting. \nTaste apples and cider from Pine Hill Orchard. Test cheeses from Thomas Farm and Round Table Farm. Learn and sample new recipes with a cooking demo from Nalini Goordial. Meet the farmers from Crooked Trail Farm\, then say hello to Keith the pig from Coolidge Hill Farm. Get moving with a movement-based obstacle course from The Dance Studio. Our list continues to grow\, so stop by to see who’s there! \nThis family event is free and open to the public at the Quabbin Harvest Co-op\, 12 N Main St\, Orange\, on Saturday\, December 2nd from 10am-12pm—rain or shine! Kids of all ages are welcome! Parent resources and more! URL: CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231201T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231201T210000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20231129T183703Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231130T171151Z SUMMARY:CISA Fundraiser at The Ashfield Lakehouse DESCRIPTION:Join us this Friday\, December 1st at 7:00 pm for an incredible evening at The Ashfield Lakehouse! \nThe kitchen is open 5:00-9:00 pm for great food. Enjoy great company\, and support CISA! \nGet ready to immerse yourself in stories and discussions with our fabulous local farmers: Conway Hart Farm\, Riverland Farm\, Foxtrot Farm\, and Good Bunch Farm! \nPlus\, don’t miss the chance to snag a cute t-shirt or sweatshirt designed by local artist\, Emma Kohlmann. With each purchase\, you’ll be supporting CISA’s Growing Resilience campaign. \nThis event is free and open to the public. URL: LOCATION:The Ashfield Lakehouse\, 141 Buckland Road\, Ashfield\, MA\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231129T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231129T130000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230804T013440Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231023T152321Z SUMMARY:Successful Value-Added Food Product Development for Farm and New Food Businesses: Managing Food Quality and Safety 2023 DESCRIPTION:Are you a farmer diversifying into value-added production or an entrepreneur developing new and exciting products? Do you have questions about how to integrate food safety and quality into the development of a value-added food product? If so\, this is the program for you! \nThis course will address the key attributes of formulating a product from concept to commercialization including food safety and scaling up considerations. You will learn about the food science basics\, key elements required for product labeling\, and an overview of key regulatory requirements for small and emerging food businesses\, such as entrepreneurs and local food processors.  \nRegistration Fee: This program\, including office hours and virtual sessions\, is $50. We do not want finances to be a barrier to attendance so CISA offers sliding scale pricing to ensure anyone can attend. \nRegistration Deadline: Tuesday\, November 21\, 2023 \nClick here for more information. \nPlease contact Zoraia de Jesus Barros\, 413-665-7100 ext. 15\, with any questions regarding the event or sliding scale pricing. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231115T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231115T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230922T215352Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230922T215352Z SUMMARY:Running a Food Business from your Home / Dirigiendo un negocio de alimentos desde tu casa DESCRIPTION:Register here! \nYes\, you can run a food business out of your own home kitchen! Bri Dupras from Franklin Regional Council of Governments will cover the MA cottage industry food laws\, and talk about how to get your home kitchen certified. We’ll also cover how you can sell foods you make at home and which permits you need. \n\nWednesday November 15th\, 6-7:30\nLocation: remote (Zoom)\nRegister by November 8 here\n\nThis workshop is part of the Essential Skills for Starting\, Growing and Managing a Food Business Fall Series. Click here for more information.  \nQuestions or requesting interpretation? Contact Caitlin Marquis\, (413) 588-5562. \n\nDirigiendo un negocio de alimentos desde tu casa\n¡Registrar aquí! \nSí\, ¡puede administrar un negocio de alimentos desde la cocina de su propia casa! Bri Dupras del Consejo Regional de Gobiernos de Franklin cubrirá las leyes alimentarias de la industria artesanal de Massachusetts y hablará sobre cómo obtener la certificación de la cocina de su hogar. También cubriremos cómo puede vender alimentos que prepara en casa y qué permisos necesita. \n\n15 de noviembre 6-7:30pm\nLugar: Zoom\nRegístrese antes de 8 noviembre aquí \n\nHaga clic aquí para más información sobre la serie de talleres Habilidades esenciales para crear\, desarrollar y manejar una empresa de alimentos.  \n¿Preguntas o solicitar interpretación? Póngase en contacto con Caitlin Marquis\, o (413) 588-5562. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,Farmer Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231108T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231108T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230922T215511Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231017T223648Z SUMMARY:Making a Value-Added Food Product: The Essentials / Elaborar un producto alimenticio con valor agregado: lo esencial DESCRIPTION:Register here! \nLooking to take local produce and turn it into jam\, salsa\, or something else? This workshop is for you. Join the folks from the Massachusetts Agriculture Innovation Center and the Western Massachusetts Food Processing Center for an overview of what it takes to make a value-added food product. We’ll cover some food safety basics\, options for where to make your product\, and an overview of regulatory requirements and licensing. \n\nWednesday November 8th\, 6-7pm\nLocation: remote (Zoom)\nRegister by November 1 here\n\nThis workshop is part of the Essential Skills for Starting\, Growing and Managing a Food Business Fall Series. Click here for more information.  \nQuestions or requesting interpretation? Contact Caitlin Marquis\, (413) 588-5562. \n\nElaborar un producto alimenticio con valor agregado: lo esencial\n¡Registrar aquí! \n¿Quiere tomar productos locales y convertirlos en mermelada\, salsa o algo más? Este taller es para ti. Únase a la gente del Centro de Innovación Agrícola de Massachusetts y del Centro de Procesamiento de Alimentos del Oeste de Massachusetts para obtener una descripción general de lo que se necesita para elaborar un producto alimenticio con valor agregado. Cubriremos algunos conceptos básicos de seguridad alimentaria\, opciones sobre dónde fabricar su producto y una descripción general de los requisitos reglamentarios y las licencias. \n\n8 de noviembre\, 6-7pm\nLugar: Zoom\nRegístrese antes de 1 noviembre aquí \n\nHaga clic aquí para más información sobre la serie de talleres Habilidades esenciales para crear\, desarrollar y manejar una empresa de alimentos.  \n¿Preguntas o solicitar interpretación? Póngase en contacto con Caitlin Marquis\, o (413) 588-5562. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231026T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231026T183000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20231012T152646Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231012T153633Z SUMMARY:Mycoterra Farm Tour DESCRIPTION:Do you have a passion for locally grown mushrooms? Come learn about the incredible process of growing mushrooms at Mycoterra Farm! \nJulia Coffey\, owner of Mycoterra Farm\, will share insights about running a mushroom farm that produces 3\,000 pounds of shiitake\, lion’s mane\, oyster mushrooms and more every year! \nThis event is offered on a sliding scale basis to benefit CISA’s Growing Resilience campaign.\nSpace is limited. Register here to save your spot. \nWhen you donate $25 or more\, you’ll receive a free kit to grow your own mushrooms at home! \nQuestions? Contact Kate Hennessey (413) 665-7100 URL: LOCATION:Mycoterra Farm\, 75 Stillwater Road\, South Deerfield\, MA\, 01373\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231024T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231024T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230921T151523Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230922T214820Z SUMMARY:Developing a Business Plan/Desarrollo de un plan de negocios DESCRIPTION:Register here! \nAre you ready to turn your food business dream into a plan? Come learn about how to research\, estimate\, and pull together all the pieces of a business plan in this online workshop presented by Stevie Schafenacker\, independent farm and food business advisor. We’ll spend most of our time focusing on creating a plan that’s by you and for you\, but we’ll also talk about components of a business plan that are essential to applying for funding. \n\nOctober 24th\, 6-7:30pm \nLocation: remote (Zoom)\nRegister by October 17 here\n\nThis workshop is part of the Essential Skills for Starting\, Growing and Managing a Food Business Fall Series. Click here for more information.  \nQuestions or requesting interpretation? Contact Caitlin Marquis\, (413) 588-5562. \n\nDesarrollo de un plan de negocios\n¡Registrar aquí! \n¿Está listo para convertir su sueño de negocio de alimentos en un plan? Venga a aprender cómo investigar\, estimar y reunir todas las piezas de un plan de negocios en este taller en línea presentado por Stevie Schafenacker\, asesor independiente de empresas agrícolas y alimentarias. Pasaremos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo enfocándonos en crear un plan hecho por usted y para usted.pero también hablaremos de los componentes de un plan de negocios que son esenciales para solicitar financiación. \n\n24 de octubre\, 6-7:30pm\nLugar: Zoom\nRegístrese antes de 17 octubre aquí \n\nHaga clic aquí para más información sobre la serie de talleres Habilidades esenciales para crear\, desarrollar y manejar una empresa de alimentos.  \n¿Preguntas o solicitar interpretación? Póngase en contacto con Caitlin Marquis\, o (413) 588-5562. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231018T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231018T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230921T143226Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230921T150043Z SUMMARY:Setting Goals for a Food Business / Estableciendo objetivos para una empresa de alimentos DESCRIPTION:Register here! \nWhether you’re starting\, growing\, or taking on a leadership role in a food business\, you get to define what you want your success to look like. Join Stevie Schafenacker\, independent farm and food business advisor\, for an interactive online workshop about different approaches to goal setting for food businesses. We’ll talk about how to set goals that help you stay focused on what you want to achieve. \n\nWednesday\, October 18th\, 6-7:30pm \nLocation: remote (Zoom)\nPlease register here by October 11th.\n\nThis workshop is part of the Essential Skills for Starting\, Growing and Managing a Food Business Fall Series. Click here for more information.  \nQuestions or requesting interpretation? Contact Caitlin Marquis\, (413) 588-5562. \n\nEstableciendo objetivos para una empresa de alimentos\n¡Registrar aquí! \nYa sea que esté iniciando\, creciendo o asumiendo un rol de liderazgo en un negocio de alimentos\, usted puede definir cómo quiere que sea su éxito. Únase a Stevie Schafenacker\, asesor independiente de empresas agrícolas y alimentarias\, para un taller interactivo en línea sobre diferentes enfoques para el establecimiento de objetivos para las empresas alimentarias. Hablaremos sobre cómo establecer metas que lo ayuden a mantenerse enfocado en lo que desea lograr. \n\n18 de octubre\, 6-7:30pm\nLugar: Zoom\nRegístrese antes de 11 octubre aquí \n\nHaga clic aquí para más información sobre la serie de talleres Habilidades esenciales para crear\, desarrollar y manejar una empresa de alimentos.  \n¿Preguntas o solicitar interpretación? Póngase en contacto con Caitlin Marquis\, o (413) 588-5562. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231014T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231014T120000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230929T140209Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231004T183818Z SUMMARY:Fun on the Farm edition! DESCRIPTION:Making Food Fun comes to Westfield! Join CISA and local farms to celebrate the harvest season with apples\, pumpkins\, and flowers. This family event is free and open to the public. \nRain or shine\, we’ll be at the Westfield Bank Pavilion\, next to the playground at Stanley Park in Westfield on Saturday\,  \n \nOctober 14th from 10am-12pm. \n\nKids of all ages are welcome to get creative and make their own flower bouquets with Rooted Flowers of Agawam.\nDecorate a pumpkin from Ray’s Family Farm for Halloween or to celebrate the harvest.\nFind your favorite apple variety with a scientific taste test featuring apples from Kosinski Farms of Westfield.\nTake a sip of autumn with yummy apple cider from Bashista Orchards of Southampton.\n\nParents: learn more about local food served in Westfield Schools with Westfield Eats or pick up information on the Healthy Incentives Program.\nNibble on sweet treats from Blossoming Acres made from local apples and pumpkins.\n\nIt’s going to be a great morning and we hope to see you there!    \n \n \nPhotos by Lizzy McEleney URL: LOCATION:Stanley Park\, Westfield\, 400 Western Ave.\, Westfield\, Ma\, 01085\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230928T130000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230928T150000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230824T191030Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230825T175852Z SUMMARY:Labor-Movement Workshop at Old Friends Farm DESCRIPTION:Register here! \n\n\nThe Safe Labor Movement Workshop covers better body mechanics and movement patterns in order to decrease injury potential\, increase efficiency and extend career longevity. Time will be spent practicing four basic movement patterns: hinge\, squat\, push and pull\, along with kneeling patterns\, rotation and core stability. Each participant will leave with tips to improve their overall movement health + wellness. \nThis workshop is coordinated and led by Labor-Movement with Support from CISA. The event will be held at Old Friends Farm in Amherst\, MA. \nPresenter: Cynthia Flores has 20 years of experience with vegetable farming and now specializes in movement training for farmers and farm workers. She is a Certified Personal Trainer\, Functional Movement Systems specialist and a Licensed Massage Therapist focusing on integrative sports techniques. Labor-Movement was founded in 2020 with the goal of working with individuals and groups of farmers that want to move better to extend career longevity and live happier lives. \nThis workshop is FREE of cost to farmers and farm workers in Massachusetts. The workshop is funded through a partnership with Northeast Extension Risk Management Education (ERME) and supported by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under Award Number 2021-70027-34693\, awarded to Labor-Movement LLC. \nDATE: Thursday\, September 28th\, 1-3pm \nLOCATION: Old Friends Farm\, Amherst\, MA \nLIMIT: 15 participants per event \nCOST: $0 for Massachusetts farmers\, farm workers. \nRegister here! There are several workshops available in Massachusetts. To select the workshop at Old Friends Farm\, make sure to select the checkbox next to this event. After registering please check your Junk/Spam for a confirmation email. A second email will be sent with a pre-workshop survey & location information. Pre-workshop survey submission is required as part of the grant project. \nContact Cynthia at with questions. URL: LOCATION:Old Friends Farm\, Amherst CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Labor-Movement":MAILTO:CYNTHIA@LABOR-MOVEMENT.COM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230921T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230921T180000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230306T175521Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230907T143608Z SUMMARY:Reed Poultry Farm: Composting for Business Diversification and Climate Change Adaptation DESCRIPTION:Farm Tour & Presentation @ 4:00 – 5:00 pm\nJoin Reed Poultry Farm for a look at their new composting enterprise that adapts to climate change by diversifying income streams and reducing farm waste. Reed Poultry Farm received an adaptation grant from CISA last year and used it to attend the Maine Compost School to learn about turning their farm’s “waste” into compost and a new source of income. \nClimate Adaptation Networking @ 5:00 – 6:00\nAfter taking a look at the composting system we’ll have time for networking with technical assistance providers and other farmers who have received adaptation grants. Networking will include conversation with other local farms and food businesses that have been a part of the climate adaptation grant program\, including Keshtyar Seed Farm\, Sawyer Farm\, Real Pickles\, and Grow Food Northampton. Drinks and snacks provided! \n\nThis workshop and networking event is part of Climate Change & Farming Week 2023! Learn more about how to get involved here! \nPresenters: Kat Chang Laznicka and Peter Reed Laznicka own and operate Reed Farm in Sunderland\, MA\, a small scale pastured poultry farm and state inspected poultry processing facility offering processing services to the local farming community. Since opening in 2019\, Reed Farm has been awarded state and federal grants to expand production and progress their on-site processing facility towards a USDA grant of inspection. \nThis is an in-person event at Reed Farm\, 136 Russell St\, Sunderland\, MA. \nContact Stephen Taranto\, CISA Climate Program Coordinator\, at or 413-665-7100 ext. 17 with any questions. \nRegister here! URL: LOCATION:Reed Farm\, 136 Russell Street\, Sunderland\, MA\, 01375​\, United States CATEGORIES:Climate Events,CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230920T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230920T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230814T190422Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230828T183214Z SUMMARY:MDAR Climate and APR Farm Grants Showcase at Warner Farm DESCRIPTION:Register Here! \nAre you interested in MDAR’s Climate Smart (CSAP) grant programs? Are you an APR farmer wanting to see an APR Improvement Program (AIP) grant in action? Are you interested in the APR program for your land? Join us at Warner Farm in Sunderland\, where Dave Wisseman will showcase how they used their AIP and CSAP grants. We’ll look at their photovoltaic array installations funded partially by CSAP\, as well as their AIP-funded infrastructure projects. Dave Wisseman will speak and answer questions about their experiences\, and MDAR staff will be on hand to answer questions about AIP\, CSAP\, and the APR program. \nThis event is most relevant to farmers or farm managers. Please join us to network with your farmer peers and explore MDAR’s grant options for your farm! Refreshments will be provided. \nLocation: Warner Farm\, 23 South Main Street\, Sunderland\, MA\, 01375 \nDate and Time: Wednesday\, September 20th\, 6-7:30pm \nContact Diego Irizarry-Gerould at or (857) 248-1671 with questions. \nThis event is part of Climate Change and Farming Week 2023\, September 17-23. Click here to see other events that week! URL: LOCATION:Warner Farm\, 23 South Main Street\, Sunderland\, MA\, 01375\, United States CATEGORIES:Climate Events,CISA Events,Farmer Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230917T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230917T143000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230817T204556Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230905T163656Z SUMMARY:Local Farming in the Climate Crisis - Panel and Action Circle DESCRIPTION:On September 17\, 2023\, the Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew and CISA are hosting a panel to discuss the challenges of farming in the climate crisis\, the Massachusetts government response\, and visions for the future. The event will discuss recent climate events affecting Massachusetts\, including intense cold and hard frosts damaging peach and apple crops\, and July flooding impacting over 150 farms and 2\,700 aces of crops. The panel brings together two local farmers\, David Fisher of Natural Roots Farm in Conway and Sarah Voiland of Red Fire Farm in Montague and Granby\, with Natalie Blais\, State Representative for 1st Franklin District. Following the panel\, join in the action planning session to share ideas of what we can do\, next steps to take\, and how each of us can contribute. \nThere is no charge for the event. Donations will be accepted with all donations going to the Healey-Driscoll Administration and United Way Farm Resiliency Fund being set up to support Massachusetts farming in the evolving climate crisis. \nDate: Sunday\, September 17\, 2023\, Panel and Q&A – 12:00-1:30pm\, Action Plan – 1:45-2:30 \nLocation: Main Sanctuary\, Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew\, 8 Church St\, Greenfield\, MA 01301 (Please enter front doors of the Church\non Federal Street) \nPresenters: \n\nDavid Fisher\, his partner and farm family and crew operate a horse-powered vegetable farm on the South River. The farm offers year-round CSA shares with 200 members and a farm store. In the July flooding the farm lost its main fields with damage to farm roads and River crossings. They have been able to continue operations with community support from a GoFundMe campaign and support from local farms.\nSarah Voiland\, her husband\, family and crew operate Red Fire Farm with fields near the Sawmill and Connecticut Rivers. The farm offers year-round CSA shares with 1\,200 members and a farm store. The excessive rainfall damaged crops in the fields and washed away plants in some fields\, but the farm was not flooded by the Rivers. Like other farms the full extent of damage from the summer’s rainfall is still in play because excessive rain causes fungal diseases in plants and may affect crops still in the ground.\nNatalie Blais\, State Representative for 1st Franklin District\, has served the District since 2019. She serves on the Joint Committee on Agriculture and has visited local farms affected by the July flooding. In August the Legislature provided $20 million in mitigation funds for natural disasters including flooding in western Massachusetts.\n\nThis is the first event in the 2023-2024 Environmental Sunday program organized by the Church’s Green Team. This event is also the first event in CISA’s Climate Change & Farming Week 2023 beginning September 17 and ending September 22. Learn more about how to get involved here! \nContacts: \n\nElla Ingraham\, The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew Green Team coordinator\, or 860-684-4420\nStephen Taranto\, Climate Program Coordinator for CISA\, or 413-665-7100 ext. 17. URL: LOCATION:Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew\, 8 Church St\, Greenfield\, MA\, 01301\, United States CATEGORIES:Climate Events,CISA Events,Community Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230913T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230913T190000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230829T203242Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230906T195732Z SUMMARY:2023 Farm Disasters: Free Dinner\, Info\, and Farmer Discussion DESCRIPTION:Register here! Pre-registering will help us make sure there is plenty of food. \nJoin CISA\, Plainville Farm’s Wally Czajkowski\, and other farmers for information about disaster relief options\, help with applications\, dinner\, and time to talk to other farmers about how this year’s weather disasters have impacted your farm and how you are planning for the future. For dinner\, we’ll have vegetarian and beef lasagna catered by Diemand Farm. Please come when you can and stay to network! \nDate: Wednesday\, September 13\, 4:00 – Sundown \nLocation: Plainville Farm\, 135 Mt. Warner Road\, Hadley\, MA 01035 \nAgenda \n\n4-5 pm: Get help with an application to MDAR’s Natural Disaster Recovery Program for Agriculture\, CISA’s Emergency Farm Fund\, and USDA Farm Services Agency programs. Representatives from these programs will also stay through dinner.\n5 pm: Dinner and discussion\n\nPre-register here. Pre-registration will help us make sure we have enough food and chairs for everyone. \nContact Sonia at or 413-665-7100 ext. 21 with questions. URL: LOCATION:Plainville Farm\, 135 Mount Warner Rd\, Hadley\, MA CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230720T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230720T180000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230306T181927Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230717T202405Z SUMMARY:Sawyer Farm Reduced-Till Perennial Clover Trials DESCRIPTION:Register here! \nOver the past several seasons\, farmers at Sawyer have been experimenting with different ways to plant row crops into perennial white clover and reduce tillage using a series of innovative practices. Join CISA\, UMass Extension\, Berkshire Conservation District\, Hampden-Hampshire Conservation District\, and Sawyer Farm’s Lincoln Fishman for a close look at transplanter shoe adaptations designed to reduce soil disturbance and weed competition in perennial clover and cash crop production. \nThis in-person workshop will be followed with an on-farm networking opportunity and equipment demo. Berkshire Conservation District will display their no-till drill seeder\, which is available for rentals and can be used for mixed or single species applications from clovers and orchard grass to rye and soybeans\, and the Hampden-Hampshire Conservation District will display their ESCH 5605 seed drill. The workshop is co-sponsored by CISA and UMass Extension\, and will take a close look at the system and the research underway with UMass through a SARE Partnership Grant\, and is part of CISA’s 2023 Adapt Your Farm to Climate Change Webinar and Workshop Series: On-farm Climate Change Adaptation Case Studies from western Massachusetts. \nPresenter: Sawyer Farm is in Worthington\, MA. Lincoln\, Hilary\, Erica\, and Butch have been growing vegetables at Sawyer since 2010. \nThis is an in-person event at 42 Old North Rd\, Worthington\, MA\, 01098 \nContact Stephen Taranto\, CISA Climate Program Coordinator\, at or 413-665-7100 ext. 17 with any questions. \nThis work is supported by the Beginning Farmer and Ranger Development Program grant no. 2020-70017-32420 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions\, findings\, conclusions\, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. URL: LOCATION:42 Old North Rd\, Worthington\, MA\, 01098\, 42 Old North Rd\, Worthington\, MA\, 01098\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230713T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230713T180000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230317T152714Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230602T172555Z SUMMARY:Irrigation Systems and Management at Warner Farm DESCRIPTION:Register here!  \nWarner Farm\, a CSA and wholesale farm as well as the home of Mike’s Corn Maze\, located in Sunderland\, MA\, has been developing its irrigation capacity since the late 1970s. The farm’s rich sandy loam has been growing fruit and vegetable crops for centuries and as a changing climate brings changing precipitation patterns to New England\, Warner Farm is poised to respond effectively in times of drought. \nJoin CISA\, UMass Extension\, and Dave Wissemann of Warner Farm on July 13th at 4:00pm for an up close look at how they are optimizing their water resources and water distribution systems to ensure the sustainable production of crops throughout the season and in the face of increasingly uncertain growing conditions. The workshop includes a farm walk to see irrigation equipment and a detailed explanation of how the farm’s systems are designed and maintained. Following the farm walk\, join us for further discussion and some locally made drinks and snacks.  \nThis workshop and networking event is part of the 2023 Adapt Your Farm to Climate Change Webinar and Workshop Series: On-farm Climate Change Adaptation Case Studies from Western Massachusetts. \nLocation: Warner Farm\, 23 S Main St\, Sunderland\, MA 01375 \nContact Stephen Taranto at or 413-665-7100 ext. 17 with any questions. \nThis work is supported by the Beginning Farmer and Ranger Development Program grant no. 2020-70017-32420 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.  URL: LOCATION:Warner Farm\, 23 South Main Street\, Sunderland\, MA\, 01375\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230627T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230627T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230511T185331Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230511T185331Z SUMMARY:Choosing a Food Business Model DESCRIPTION:Tuesday June 27\, 6:00-7:30pm\nZoom (call-in info provided upon registration)\nRegister by June 20 here.\nDo you want to start a food business\, but need help choosing a legal business structure? There are many options available and every situation is unique. Hear from a panel of successful local food business owners about how their business structure works and why they chose it. This session will help you understand the difference between a fiscal sponsorship\, a cooperative business\, a nonprofit\, a for-profit\, and a sole proprietorship. Panelists are: \n\nKelly Hickey of Atlas Farm Store (LLC)\nNicolas D’Alessandro of Hearthstone Artisan Bakery (Sole Proprietorship)\nAddie Rose Holland of Real Pickles (Cooperative)\n\nRegister by June 20 here! \nPara español haga clic aquí. \n\n\n\nThis session is a part of a series! Full info on all events in this 10 workshop series here:  \nEssential Skills for Starting\, Growing\, and Managing a Food Business\nPara español haga clic aquí. \nDo you have an idea for a new food business? Have you been growing or making food for friends and family and want to take it to the next level? Have you been working for a food business\, but you want to be better prepared to take on a decision-making role? \nWe can help! \nSessions are open to anyone and free to attend! PLUS\, if you self identify as BIPOC or low-income\, or if you need interpretation into English\, you are eligible to get: \n\n$30 – $60 per workshop\nInterpretation and/or translation\nUp to five hours of free one-on-one coaching on any topic(s) of your choice URL: CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230620T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230620T183000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230511T185135Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230511T185135Z SUMMARY:Attracting Customers to your Farm Stand or Market Booth DESCRIPTION:Tuesday\, June 20\, 5-6:30pm\nGrow Food Northampton Tuesday Market\, 1 Kirkland Ave\, Northampton\, MA\nRegister by June 13 here.\nThe way fresh produce is presented and arranged has a huge impact on market sales. How you engage with your customers plays a major role in whether your customers come back. Join this walkthrough tour of Grow Food Northampton’s Tuesday Market and learn how to display\, store\, and restock produce\, as well as how to engage customers while they shop. This will be an interactive group session including a guided tour of the market\, conversation with the market manager and vendors\, and the opportunity to discuss and reflect on practices you could implement for your own display. \nRegister by June 13 here! \n\n\n\n\nThis session is a part of a series! Full info on all events in this 10 workshop series here: \nEssential Skills for Starting\, Growing\, and Managing a Food Business\nPara español haga clic aquí. \nDo you have an idea for a new food business? Have you been growing or making food for friends and family and want to take it to the next level? Have you been working for a food business\, but you want to be better prepared to take on a decision-making role? \nWe can help! \nSessions are open to anyone and free to attend! PLUS\, if you self identify as BIPOC or low-income\, or if you need interpretation into English\, you are eligible to get: \n\n$30 – $60 per workshop\nInterpretation and/or translation\nUp to five hours of free one-on-one coaching on any topic(s) of your choice URL: LOCATION:Grow Food Northampton Tuesday Market\, 1 Kirkland Ave\, Northampton\, MA\, Grow Food Northampton Tuesday Market\, 1 Kirkland Ave\, Northampton\, MA\, 01060\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230613T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230613T170000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230511T184739Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230606T182839Z SUMMARY:Growing Produce in the Pioneer Valley DESCRIPTION:Tuesday June 13\, 3:30-5pm\nProspect Meadow Farm\, 103A Prospect St\, Hatfield\, MA\nRegister by June 6 here.\nFarming in the Valley takes a careful mix of planning\, experimentation\, hard work\, and reflection. Join veteran farmer Dave Jackson for a tour of Prospect Meadow Farm to learn what you should be thinking about when it comes to planting\, growing\, and harvesting produce in the Pioneer Valley. \nRegister by June 6 here! \nPara español haga clic aquí. \n\n\nThis session is a part of a series! Full info on all events in this 10 workshop series here: \nEssential Skills for Starting\, Growing\, and Managing a Food Business\nPara español haga clic aquí. \nDo you have an idea for a new food business? Have you been growing or making food for friends and family and want to take it to the next level? Have you been working for a food business\, but you want to be better prepared to take on a decision-making role? \nWe can help! \nSessions are open to anyone and free to attend! PLUS\, if you self identify as BIPOC or low-income\, or if you need interpretation into English\, you are eligible to get: \n\n$30 – $60 per workshop\nInterpretation and/or translation\nUp to five hours of free one-on-one coaching on any topic(s) of your choice URL: LOCATION:Prospect Meadow Farm\, 103A Prospect St\, Hatfield\, MA\, Prospect Meadow Farm\, 103A Prospect Street\, Hatfield\, MA\, 01038\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230511T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230511T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230421T004105Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230421T142404Z SUMMARY:Framing your Marketing Messages to Reach Consumers Now DESCRIPTION:Register here! \nThe last couple of years have brought about unprecedented shifts in consumer behavior because of COVID\, supply chain issues\, and inflation. How can farms\, farmers’ markets\, and other local food businesses shape their messaging to speak to current consumer concerns and needs? CISA conducted consumer surveys in 2020 and 2021\, and we have been gathering additional research on consumer responses to changing circumstances. In this workshop\, CISA Communications Manager Claire Morenon will share the messaging that we think resonates with consumers now\, with time for discussion and brainstorming among attendees. \nPlease contact Claire Morenon at or 413-665-7100 ext. 16 with questions. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230508T103000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230508T114500 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230403T175944Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230425T160031Z SUMMARY:SNAP training for farm employees (session option 2 of 2) DESCRIPTION:Make sure your farm stand and farmers’ market staff are ready to accept SNAP this summer by having them attend this SNAP employee training. \nEmployees will learn SNAP basics including what EBT cards look like\, what items are SNAP eligible\, how to run a SNAP transaction\, and the differences between SNAP and HIP. Attendees will come away knowing how SNAP works\, how to answer questions around SNAP and HIP\, and how to successfully and legally run a transaction on Conduent and TotilPay machines. \nThis training will also cover the SNAP protocols and rules that the USDA requires businesses to cover with their employees every year. \nThis training is for employees who will be processing SNAP transactions. Open to all staff of farm businesses or farmers’ markets that accept SNAP. \nThis session is being offered at two times which you can choose from: Wednesday\, April 26\, 2:00pm-3:15pm or Monday May 8\, 10:30am-11:45am. \nRegister here! \nA list of employees who attended the training can be provided to the employer\, to satisfy the USDA’s requirement that SNAP trainings for staff be documented. URL: LOCATION:Remote (Free) CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230430T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230430T160000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230331T182954Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230404T145731Z SUMMARY:Field Notes: An Afternoon of Storytelling DESCRIPTION:CISA’s Field Notes is a live storytelling event celebrating the many ways local food and farming leave their mark on our lives and in our communities. The true stories you’ll hear are all told by your western Massachusetts neighbors who are following their dreams\, sustaining livelihoods\, and connecting with others through food. Join us for this journey as they share a slice of their lives and what they’ve learned along the way.  \nGET YOUR TICKETS HERE!\n\nPrevious stories have ranged from serious – like a single mother facing food insecurity whose life was changed by a farm share – to downright silly – like fried green tomato hornworms – and everything in between. This year’s show promises to be one of our best yet – don’t miss out!  \nCan’t wait to experience some Field Notes? You don’t have to! See all the past performances right here. URL: LOCATION:Academy of Music\, 274 Main Street\, Northampton\, MA\, 01060\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230427T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230427T193000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230329T175459Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230406T122358Z SUMMARY:Connecting Across the Fibershed DESCRIPTION:Join Western Massachusetts Fibershed and CISA for a statewide\, remote networking event aimed at fiber farmers\, artisans\, and other stakeholders in the fiber community. This space will allow participants to share the challenges they face working with fiber in Massachusetts and share new ideas and collaborative solutions. We will offer both full group and small group discussion\, with guiding questions and casual conversation. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with fellow members of the fiber community\, learn about the work being done by Western Massachusetts Fibershed\, and provide feedback for CISA and Fibershed on how to best support local fiber businesses.  \nRegister here! \nPlease contact Molly\, 413-665-7100 ext. 35\, with questions. \nFunding for this workshop was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM200100XXXXG178. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Community Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses ORGANIZER;CN="Western Massachusetts Fibershed" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230426T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230426T151500 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230403T175809Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230425T160058Z SUMMARY:SNAP training for farm employees (session option 1 of 2) DESCRIPTION:Make sure your farm stand and farmers’ market staff are ready to accept SNAP this summer by having them attend this SNAP employee training. \nEmployees will learn SNAP basics including what EBT cards look like\, what items are SNAP eligible\, how to run a SNAP transaction\, and the differences between SNAP and HIP. Attendees will come away knowing how SNAP works\, how to answer questions around SNAP and HIP\, and how to successfully and legally run a transaction on Conduent and TotilPay machines. \nThis training will also cover the SNAP protocols and rules that the USDA requires businesses to cover with their employees every year. \nThis training is for employees who will be processing SNAP transactions. Open to all staff of farm businesses or farmers’ markets that accept SNAP. \nThis session is being offered at two times which you can choose from: Wednesday\, April 26\, 2:00pm-3:15pm or Monday May 8\, 10:30am-11:45am. \nRegister here! \nA list of employees who attended the training can be provided to the employer\, to satisfy the USDA’s requirement that SNAP trainings for staff be documented. URL: LOCATION:Remote (Free) CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230411T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230411T200000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230315T182306Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230406T162223Z SUMMARY:CISA's Annual Meeting and Celebration! DESCRIPTION:We are at capacity! Click here if you would like to be added to a waitlist.\n\nCISA members and supporters\, please join us in Holyoke on April 11th for a special evening. We’ll be honoring CISA’s 2023 Local Hero Award recipients\, sharing the highlights of the past year\, and\, most importantly\, gathering together for the first time since 2019. Come reconnect\, celebrate\, and enjoy! \nBefore the evening program begins at 5:30 (including a delicious dinner catered by Gateway City Arts)\, you may choose to join us at 4pm for a tour of the Ground Up Grains/Valley Malt facility\, just around the corner from the meeting. Come see this impressive new agricultural infrastructure right on the canal in Holyoke\, and hear more about the work that’s being undertaken by Holyoke leaders. \nQuestions? Contact Jennifer Williams at 413-665-7100. URL: LOCATION:Gateway City Arts\, 92 Race Street\, Holyoke\, MA\, 01040\, United States CATEGORIES:CISA Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230404T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230404T180000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230309T204618Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230310T044414Z SUMMARY:Managing Farm Labor Costs DESCRIPTION:The past few years have posed unprecedented employee management challenges for local farms – from rising wages and employee shortages to the added demands of the pandemic and weather extremes. As your 2023 season ramps up\, Presenter Ellen Polishuk of Plant to Profit will share insights to help you respond to these challenges\, based on her decades of farm financial consulting and vegetable farm management experience. Ellen will offer tips for tracking and improving work efficiency\, supporting effective teamwork\, and evaluating labor-saving investments. You will also learn about farm financial assessment tools – like benchmarks and crop costing – that can help you identify the best avenues for increasing farm profitability to keep up with rising costs. The workshop is open to all\, with farm owners and middle managers or crew leaders in particular standing to benefit from the on-the-ground tips and broader decision-making context provided in this workshop. \nThe standard workshop cost is $10. We offer a sliding scale to ensure anyone can attend\, and additional attendees from the same farm business are welcome to attend free of charge; we do not want finances to be a barrier to attendance. \nPlease contact Kristen at or 413-665-7100 ext. 12 with any questions. \nFunding for this workshop was made possible by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture\, U.S. Department of Agriculture\, through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number LNE20-394. \nRegister here! URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230330T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230330T130000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230316T154953Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230316T173057Z SUMMARY:An Introduction to FSA and NRCS Assistance Programs DESCRIPTION:This remote workshop is intended for beginning growers who have never worked with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) or Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) before\, or for producers who are familiar with these programs but have questions about the process and/or programs available. \nWe will hear from Bailey Albert and Jack Loomis\, FSA and NRCS Outreach Coordinators\, respectively\, as well as from Stephen Taranto\, Climate Program Coordinator at Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) and Shannon Hickey\, Program Manager at Southeastern MA Ag Partnership (SEMAP). CISA and SEMAP are Buy-Local groups based in Western and Eastern MA\, respectively—that offer assistance to growers interested in participating in FSA and NRCS programs. \nRegister here! \nThe presentation will cover: \n\nAn overview of FSA and NRCS technical and financial assistance programs\nHow to connect with your local service centers to receive tailored support\nImportant things to know about the process and realistic timelines\nAssistance available from certain Buy-Local groups\n\nFollowing the presentation will be time for questions. You will be able to type your questions into a Q&A box or raise your hand to ask your question aloud. \nThis event is co-sponsored by UMass Extension\, Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA)\, Southeastern MA Ag Partnership (SEMAP)\, Sustainable Nantucket\, and Sustainable Business Network. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230329T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230329T180000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230302T201734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230306T205202Z SUMMARY:Managing a Multicultural Farm Team in the Pioneer Valley DESCRIPTION:This online workshop will provide information on how to develop essential communication skills and manage conflict. It will give tools to oversee a multicultural team and emphasize strategies for decision-making to build an effective workplace culture and manage towards farm and family goals. The workshop is open to all\, but most relevant to diversified farm owners\, managers\, or aspiring managers. \nSpeaker: Mary Peabody recently retired from UVM Extension after 34 years as a Community and Economic Development Specialist. Mary now provides coaching for farmers and small business owners on team building\, labor management\, and business transitions. She has served as a director for several national grant projects related to farm labor management\, and is a certified DiSC facilitator. \nThe standard cost for this workshop is $10. We do not want finances to be a barrier to attendance\, and will offer sliding scale pricing to ensure anyone can attend. \nPlease contact Zoraia at or 413-665-7100 ext. 15 with any questions regarding the event or sliding scale pricing. \nRegister here!  \nFunding for this workshop was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM200100XXXXG178. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA. URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20230328T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20230328T173000 DTSTAMP:20231227T224148 CREATED:20230309T204350Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230310T185242Z SUMMARY:Insights on Vegetable Farm Financial Benchmarks DESCRIPTION:For the past couple years\, CISA and Pasa Sustainable Agriculture have worked with a group of diversified vegetable farmers across the region to collect key farm financial metrics and develop benchmarks to help farmers evaluate the health of their vegetable operations. CISA staffperson Kristen Wilmer will share insights gained thus far from this project\, including what the numbers suggest about the health and challenges facing diversified vegetable farms in our region\, and how you can use key financial benchmarks to more strategic business decisions at your farm. Attendees will come away with ideas for how to track and use key numbers – like income generated per acre\, labor invested per acre\, payroll as a percent of gross revenue\, and more – to better understand their farm operations and hone in on opportunities for improvement. The workshop will be geared toward vegetable farmers but is open to all. \nThe standard workshop cost is $10. We offer a sliding scale to ensure anyone can attend\, and additional attendees from the same farm business are welcome to attend free of charge; we do not want finances to be a barrier to attendance. \nPlease contact Kristen at or 413-665-7100 ext. 12 with any questions. \nFunding for this workshop was made possible by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture\, U.S. Department of Agriculture\, through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number LNE20-394. \nRegister here! URL: LOCATION:Remote CATEGORIES:CISA Events,Farmer Events,CISA Workshops for Businesses END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR